To Infinity and Beyond….


To Infinity and  Beyond, stolen from  Buzz  Lightyear, was today’s theme. Once we got off I-10 (that’s another story), we were surrounded by mountains but the sight lines went, well, to infinity. Beautiful terrain- again.

We had to start the ride on I-10 for the first twelve miles. It was ok for a couple of miles, being repaved for the next 5 miles, then just plain crappy. Due to lack of a shoulder we crossed over to the lane being repaved and worked our way around the construction equipment. The construction workers got it and gave us no flack.

After I-10 we had great roads with no traffic for the rest of the 48 miles. The only negative was 10-15 mph headwinds for most of the ride.

Coming into Hachita we pulled into the half mile dust and dirt drive to the Bicycle Ranch. Jeffrey pulled right in behind us and immediately and pulled out a couple of ice cold Coors  Lites almost before we got in the door. Being only 3 miles from the Continental Divide Trail he gets a steady stream of cyclists and hikers along with touring cyclists going across the southern route like us. He has a great place with reasonable rates and room for up to a dozen.

Then he says, want to see a turquoise mine? We jumped all over that and before we knew we were headed up a jeep trail into the mountains. After bumping by some stone ruins, the Grand Cherokee busted it up a final steep, rocky pitch to the mine. We spent an hour or so exploring the pit and searching for turquoise. Jeffrey’s friend was also up there working on a we vein - after mountain biking up the jeep trail. 

Overall a great day. We finished with pizza at the Bicycle Ranch.  Tomorrow- off to Columbus NM and a possible visit across the border to Mexico!

Today’s ride 47 miles for a trip total of 689 miles. 

 Brian looking like a long distance cyclist.

Mayfield Ranch- we looked around- Baker’s not out to pasture yet…

 Crossing the Continental Divide


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