The Sonoran Desert

The first 20 miles out of Gila Bend was a low grade climb into a 15 mph wind, taking over 2 hours. This area has not one structure. It was mostly scrub sagebrush but as the mountains came closer we started to see saguaro cacti. The slow climb brought out a lot of beauty in this place. I’d like to have explored some of the trails we saw.

The first structure we saw at about 30 miles in turned out to be the admin building far a very busy landfill. Of course the wide berm petered away and we were assaulted by numerous 18 wheelers returning from the landfill and passing too close for comfort.

Then I get my first flat in a few days. I immediately found a stainless wire that had pierced my tube, put a spare tube and the tire back on with Brian‘s help and got on the way. 3 miles later, another flat And I again found a tiny wire that pieced the tube. Another repair.  

We got to Maricopa and stopped at the busiest Circle K in the world and I bought an extra large Mountain Dew to quench my thirst. Only about 25 miles was left to Dale and Lisa’s house in Chandler. Piece of cake. We started up Highway 347 at a very good pace and you guessed it, another flat. Brian said, “this is not a coincidence”. Taking a close look at the rim, we found the dreaded rim strip slippage had opened up spots where the tube could sneak out into the spokes cavities and blow. Finally, the root cause. Fixed it and got on our way only to find that I had a slow leak. Tired of changing tires I said, give me the pump, and proceeded to add air every three or 4 miles until we get to the house!

Dale and Lisa are old friends from Stow who moved out here for work many years ago. They took in two grimy, sunburned guys who were worn out from the day and lifted our spirits with one of the best beers I have ever had! And dinner and a soft mattress to sleep on was even better.

We are making a trip to the bike shop today to buy some new rim strips and probably a patching kit. If you remember my broken rear rack the other day, Dale took a look at the attachment and ran out to Home Depot and bought some new  fasteners to improve the installation while also replacing my temporary cord with a tie strip to reduce the load while traveling.

Next up, we cross the mountains to the east and then head south east towards New Mexico. Yesterday put us over 400 miles for the trip!


Shade is very precious in the desert. We often travel miles looking for a good rest spot. Yesterday we climbed over a rock filled  to get to a shaded culvert. It wasn’t pretty but it was out of the sun.

No electric at our campsite on the front lawn of the Mobile Home park Thursday night so I sacrificed and had a McFlurry while charging all my phone, lights, and GPS

I’ll have to go on a diet when I get home-too much ice cream!

Eastern rim strips can’t withstand desert heat.

Flats: Tom 6,  Brian 3

Mechanicals- Brian- rack and bottle cage (new), Tom - rack

Friday’s Mileage: 68.2  Trip Total: 406



  1. I love following your adventure! I hope to do it in a couple of years. You both look great.


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