High Rollers


Sunday from Bylas camp

We started the day at Oak Flats expecting a long downhill into Globe and then mostly flats with a few small hills. As always our expectations were exceeded as we had a roller coaster day including a 600’ climb right out of camp. The rollers from Globe to Bylas were Arizona sized, not Ohio size. 

We went thru the very large San Carlos Apache reservation. We talked to a Native American, Duane, in Peridot. He had a lot of pride in the reservation and directed us to the wildlife museum which had a great display of all the animals native to the reservation. Of special note are the elk including one of record size. 

When you’re out on the highway for this many miles you see an amazing amount of stuff that’s is left on the pavement. A small sampling would include phones, shirts,  ball caps, blankets, witches hat, crescent wrench, sockets, screw drivers, ratchets, tin snips, nuts, bolts, washers, tie down straps, bungee cords, coins, hub caps, old tires, failed tires, the list could go on and on….

Aside from the descent down from the pass, we were afforded views that seemed to stretch for a hundred miles with mountains, gorges, and sandstone formations everywhere. American is truly beautiful, especially at 12 mph!

Tomorrow we hope to reach Duncan- it’sfurther than we’d like but out here thechoiced are very limited. Tonight we are camped just east of Bylas, about a 1/4 mile off the road. Cowboy camping we call it. Nothing else was available.

Mileage today- 68 miles with 2,966 ft of climbing. Trip Total is now 535 miles. The next few days will include a couple of pretty large climbs.


  1. Some of my best and favorite tools were roadkill... never would have purchased them until I used them... 10" adjustable wrench, a padded 8" adjustable wrench with scales to read the nut size in metric and english. Reminds me of the roadkill competition on Vancouver Island, who won Brian? Someone carried a ladder ball set for a while...


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